Dead Sea Products for Psoriasis

There are many people who are battling persistent skin conditions like psoriasis. This is a painful skin condition, where people suffer from itchy skin patches. However, if you are suffering from this painful skin condition and have looked for its cure, then you might have come across the information that many sufferers have made successful journeys to the miraculous Dead Sea for their treatment.
For years, the Dead Sea has sealed the cure of this chronic skin disease within its depths. The reason why the Dead Sea presents the perfect cure for psoriasis is due to the detoxifying properties present in its waters.
The detoxifying materials that are present in the Dead Sea such as its mud and salts are best for natural detoxification of your body. They gently pull the toxic substances away from your skin, while providing you a cure for your skin condition. This is the major reason that the people affected by this disease are turning towards the Dead Sea Psoriasis curing products.
These products are especially made of substances extracted naturally from the Dead Sea. As everything in these products is natural; therefore they serve as an effective source of treatment for Psoriasis.
Psor Soap, Dead Sea Mud, 26 Minerals Soap, Luxury Bath Salts and Mineral Mud Soap are some of the products offered by Health and Beauty, as its Dead Sea Psoriasis treatment range. Listed below are the details of a few of them and why they have proven to be effective in the treatment of this chronic skin condition.
Recommended Dead Sea Products for Psoriasis
Psor Soap
Psor Soap is 100 percent natural and hypoallergenic that moisturizes the affected area. The PH level of the Psor Soap by Health and Beauty is compatible with the itchy dry skin. The product is enriched in substances like Benzoin, Dead Sea Mud, Olive oil, Aloe Vera extract, Geranium, Bergamot and Tea Tree oil, which are known to eliminate the dry layer of your skin and reduce the redness and itching of your skin.
The Calendula oil and Lavender oil also forms the core ingredients of the products that are famous for their healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The product is for daily use, where you will see the proven results after using it regularly.
Luxury Bath Salts
You can use the Luxury Bath Salts, while preparing a bath for yourself with lukewarm water. Immerse your body in it for 15 minutes and relax. Now clean yourself with soap. We recommend the Psor Soap or the 26 Mineral Soap for best results.
26 Minerals Soap
The 26 Minerals Soap is enriched in minerals like magnesium that forms one of the basic constituents of the Dead Sea and is good for your bones and muscles. Use the product like any ordinary soap and leave it on your body for 1-2 minutes, before rinsing it thoroughly. The combination of the abovementioned products will surely help you treat your psoriasis over some time.